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Michelle RossThank you for your prayers over the past several months for my step dad Bill. He and my mother were able to spend nearly one month at a family cabin in NC. There they celebrated his 88th birthday. Mom said they had weeks of almost “normal” life. They returned to their home in Orlando last week and Bill is needing more care as his plasma cancer effects his health. Hospice is more involved in his care now. Please pray for my mom as she faces the days/weeks ahead. She has been widowed before and she trusts the Lord to be close by. Of course we don’t want Bill to suffer and ask for wisdom for all his care decisions. I want to testify to the power of prayers. Bill really rallied for a very good couple of months. Thank you for praying and caring for New Life Church in this way.
Dec 10, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Sharon CecilMy dear friend that I grew up with, Patty Snyder, is having open heart surgery Friday morning. 12-9-22. Please pray with me that God guides the surgeon’s as they repair her heart. Trusting God for speedy recovery.
Dec 8, 2022 by Sharon Cecil
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerMy relationship with my son has been very hard this past year. He doesn’t want anything to do with me and this time of the year is especially hard. I’ve prayed for his forgiveness but it hasn’t seem to help. I miss him and my grandchildren tremendously.
Dec 5, 2022 by Anonymous Prayer
Prayer Requests – General
Erin DobraskaI am asking for prayer for a family member who is struggling with finding consistent work that provides enough to support them. This has been a need since COVID and is causing severe anxiety and depression for them. Praying for a breakthrough & a clear open-door for them. Thank you!
Nov 30, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Linda RosePlease pray for Missy Hill and her family members (Lisa’s best friend). The family has been dealing with very serious heart issues with Ronnie (the husband) and they have just been informed that their oldest grandchild has been diagnosed with lukemia. Please join us in holding this family up in prayer.
Nov 27, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Diane KautLong post – here’s another update and a prayer request.
We are so thankful that my surgery went well in September! The doctor only found one lymph node and another small area that had cancer and he took all of it out. My recovery has gone fairly well. I’m doing stretches for my arms and the right is almost back to normal and my left is getting fairly close.
I’ve had some stomach issues off and on but it’s been better with a medication I started taking. I’m still having a treatment every 3 weeks for a protein I have and those treatments are going pretty well so far. (These 2 drugs are easier to handle since I’m not having chemo any more.)
I’m starting 5 to 6 weeks of radiation today. We would REALLY appreciate prayer that it does what it’s supposed to and doesn’t affect anything else. Also please pray for minimal side effects (and burning) and that the cancer never comes back.
We are so thankful that God is taking such good of me and helps me through every every step and every day. We can’t thank you all enough for all the prayers, support, messages, cards, meals and gifts. It all means SO much and we really appreciate it!
“I see You in the morning light
I feel You in the fire by night
I hear You say “Child, I am with you.
Everything will be alright”….
I hear You say, “Beloved one, I am with you
Every moment of my life”Diane KautNov 15, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
TammyMichelsenSteve is out of surgery and in recovery. His surgery was successful with no complications. He will go to ICU for a couple of days and then to a regular room on the cardiac floor. He will have to be on blood thinners and aspirin for the rest of his life as well as controlling his blood pressure and diabetes but should make a full recovery. Praise God for His goodness and protection. Pray for pain control as he starts to heal and recover.

Tammy Michelsen
Nov 15, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General