Mary JeanOsbornePraying for comfort, peace and protection to my friend Gigi VanZee and family, for the loss of her brother.

Good health and healing to our friends, Dave Legg and Dave Kelly. Also, to my father Celedonio Brazan.
Jul 26, 2022 by Mary Jean Osborne

Prayer Requests – General
Dave RossPraise from Mike and Lisa Miltenberger on Lisa’s surgery. From Mike this afternoon:

Doc just came to talk to me. Surgery went well. Disc’s replaced fusion plate in place. About an hour or so in recovery then I’ll be able to see her. Thanks for praying!

Jul 25, 2022 by Dave Ross

Prayer Requests – General
Craig RoseI just learned that my sister, Dianna, has been admitted to ICU in a hospital in California. She has fluid on her lungs and is being checked for a blood infection. Please pray for complete healing, doctor guidance and for her husband Steve.
Craig Rose
Jul 24, 2022 by Craig Rose
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossThank you for previous prayers for my mom Colleen and step dad Bill. One day at a time he is staying safely at home in hospice care. He is much stronger physically and is getting outside for assisted walks. My mother’s 80th birthday is Saturday and I pray she has some sweet times with Bill and those in Orlando where they live. Wish I could upload a sweet picture of them together for you:)
Jul 22, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossPlease be praying for a previous attender of NLC Sue Ward. Her family would like her to be moved to memory care closer to Des Moines. Currently she is in Chariton.
Jul 22, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Lois OsbornPlease pray for our daughter, Jennifer Howard, as she is having excruciating nerve pain after surgery on her arm 3 weeks ago.
Jul 20, 2022 by Lois Osborn
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerMaddie had a huge tumor on her brain. It burst. she was in surgery for 6 hours. They only were able to get part of tumor because they almost lost Maddie couple times. She just couldn’t take anymore. She will be in an induced coma for next 24 to 48 hours. The tumor touched the stem so there is chance of nuerology damage. They have sent the part of tumor they were able to get to Pathology, but won’t know what type or fast growing the tumor is. Prayers for Maddie.
Jul 20, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerUpdate on earlier prayer request for Maddie. They have found a mass on her brain. Taking her into a 4 to 6 hour surgery to try and move as much of mass as possible and test it. Please pray for God’s miracle hands to cover Maddie and for the parents and grandparents to draw their strength from God.
Jul 20, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerAsking for emergency prayer for a little 4 year old grandaughter of a friend of mine. Her name is Maddie. She woke up not feeling well. Was taken to ER in KC. She is now being life flighted to Denver. She has blood on the Brain and has had to have a ventilator put in. Prayers for Maddie, For dad and mom Ryan and Breanna and for grandparents. Thank you. Kay
Jul 20, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerAsking for prayer for Lisa Miltenberger for up coming surgery on July 25th.
Jul 19, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
LisaMiltenbergerI’m having spinal surgery on July 25th and would like prayer to be at peace about the surgery as well as a successful outcome with minimal amount of pain and a quick recovery.
Jul 18, 2022 by Lisa Miltenberger
Prayer Requests – General
PhyllisChildersThank you for all the prayers for me! They are appreciated & felt! We serve an awesome God!
Jul 12, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossThank you for your prayers for my step dad Bill and mom Colleen. He entered hospice 3 weeks ago. Since he has recovered from pneumonia and gotten anxiety/depression managed, he is doing well. Answered prayer includes getting a stable and pleasant rhythm going for in home care, physical and emotional strength returning to Bill and peace of mind during this time. Our family thanks you for supporting us in prayer as we continue to care for our aging parents.
Jul 10, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Sue KettererPlease pray for Kayla KIng who is in the hospital. Please also pray for her family.
Jul 9, 2022 by Sue Ketterer
Prayer Requests – General
NewLifeChurchWe are so thankful for those who have stepped in and stepped up during our time of transition. We believe God wants us to be a church that continues to point students to Jesus and one who is sold out in our worship to him. We invite you to join us as we continue to pray together for a Worship staff and Student Ministry staff. We are eagerly anticipating for God to show us the people He is preparing to fill these roles at NewLife Church.

Jul 6, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
NewLifeChurchPray for our Students going to CIY Conference:
CIY “Move” is a 5-Day youth group event for high school students designed to amplify the call of Christ on students lives to become Kingdom workers. Several of our students and parent leaders will be attending this coming week (July 11-15) at the campus of the University of Nebraska. We anticipate God to move mightily in the hearts of our students. We pray for safety and that they would return filled with His Spirit and ready for his work.  Pray for Nash, Ella, John, Ellie, Emma, Elijah, Liz, Josh, Alexia, Cece, Andy, Julie & Jenny.
Jul 6, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
PhyllisChildersPlease be in prayer for Phyllis Childers as she suffered a mild heart attack over the weekend. She is currently in the hospital awaiting triple bypass surgery planned for Wednesday, July 6. She is asking for a miracle for all blockages to be opened
Jul 5, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Breanna DayLiam Edwin Day is here! He was born on June 30th! We are very happy and healthy! Asking for prayer for continued health and safe travels home!
Jul 1, 2022 by Breanna Day
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerYesterday I & Gary’s kids made a hard decision. Gary is too weak and would require a trach after removing the breathing tube as he cannot make it without it. He does not want that, and he doesn’t want to be even more disabled. So we are going to let him go home. His family are coming back to say goodbye. Then we will let him go. Pray for his daughter DeAnne as she is taking this very hard, but she also doesn’t want him suffering anymore. -Peggy Yeager
Jun 29, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Pat RoppHi Dear Family. Thx you for praying for Shirley and Allen ( Jeff’s folks) after Mom’s heart attack plus covid on Father’s Day weekend. She is doing better and so is Dad. We hope to see them this weekend.
Love to you all.
Pat Ropp

Jun 29, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Pat RoppHi again Dear Family. We are asking for prayer over our daughter Grace as she heads to Central Asia -July 13-25th. She will be going on mission trip w Teach Beyond. Please be praying for her health (she has some medical issues) and safety for both she and her Dear Friend Alyssa. They will be working teaching English at a camp with Russian speaking kids. Thank you!! …(Would value your prayers for Jeff and I and Family as well……). Thank you

Pat Ropp
Jun 29, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerGary needs continued prayer. He was intubated & yesterday they tried removing the tube but he is too weak to cough up the mucus so he can breathe on his own. The tube was put back in. They will give him 2-3 days to recover & get stronger. If he still cannot do it on his own then he will need a trach tube. Both I and his kids don’t want that. Gary would not want that. Continued prayer is needed. We ask that you pray for God’s will in this. Thank you to all of you. Peggy
Jun 28, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General