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AnonymousPrayerPlease continue lifting up Merrill & Shari Walkup in your prayers as he is still recovering in the hospital. Thank you!

Also please continue prayers for the Gentry’s as they continue to grieve the loss of their little one and seek peace during this hard time.
May 25, 2022 by Anonymous

Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardPlease be praying for Terry Howard as she has been admitted to Lutheran Hospital with congestive heart failure.
May 24, 2022 by Terry Howard
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerGary will be having surgery on his left carotid artery on Thurs, May 26. Prayers are much appreciated. Thank you!
May 23, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Jeff Ropp“A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench.”
Matthew 12:20
Dear Prayer Partners,Pat and I greatly appreciate your partnership in the gospel as you pray
for us and the people to whom we minister. Please pray for our gentle and
understanding Savior to deeply minister to the following people…1. Juli in Mayanmar who is flying to Des Moines, IA May 28th to be reunited with her husband James.
2. Vilma in the Philippines whose believing husband died recently and now she
knows she will see in him again in heaven after she believed in Christ alone for
His gift of everlasting life. Pray for her and her children as they walk through
their grief with Jesus’ help.
3. Nicole in Guyana who recently witnessed her son’s murder as did her other
children. She is a believer, but her church does not seem to know how to help
her, nor does there seem to be any counseling avaible to her. She feels all alone
and I have encouraged her to invite Jesus to walk with her and her family through
this trauma.
4. Jeff’s mother, Shirley, who recently went into the ER with a severe headache
and loss of some mobility. Doctors have identified a lesion inside her skull on the
back of her head but are not certain if it is cancer or has spread. Please pray for
God’s healing, wisdom, and comfort during this difficult time for her and the family.

Thank you so much for lifting these precious people up to Jesus,

Pastor Jeff Ropp

May 23, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardPlease pray for Brenda Howard Johnson. Her heart is only at 30 percent and beating 200 beats. She is having a 4 hour surgery next Thursday to implant a defribulator. Her lungs are not good either.

May 20, 2022 by Terry Howard

Prayer Requests – General
RichardDoughertyThank you so much Prayer Team for your prayers for Taylor and his family here in Florida. The surgery went well and the surgeon was able to remove the majority of the tumors. The pathology report is due within the next two weeks as well as next steps. All in all it seems positive and we appreciate continued prayers for this young family. God is good.

Your brother in Christ, Rich Dougherty
May 20, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
RichardDoughertyI’m so grateful to still be a part or our great prayer team.
The church I am attending here in Naples has a great Wed. night men’s prayer group that I’m a part of. Sometimes we are faced with a heart breaking need that we just have to share with as many prayer partners that we know, and of course I’m coming to you at New Life.
A young man in our prayer group, Taylor Hartsfield recently learned that he has a malignant brain tumor that has returner (it was removed 5 years ago) and is facing another surgery this week (probably Thursday) at U of Miami. Taylor is married to Davina and they have 4 young children with one on the way.
His life story is amazing and I ask for your help in praying for this young family.
Your brother in Christ, Rich Dougherty
May 15, 2022 by Richard Dougherty
Prayer Requests – General
KathyPetersenDave will have a PET scan on May 18 and surgery has been moved up to May 24.
We appreciate your prayers.
May 13, 2022 by Kathy Petersen
Prayer Requests – General
TraceyVignovichPlease be praying for Nathan and Elly Gentry. Their newborn son, Samuel passed away last night. The entire family needs lifted up in prayer. Thank you.
May 13, 2022 by Tracey Vignovich
Prayer Requests – General
Shari WalkupPlease pray for a solution to Merrill Walkup’s blood platelet problem. Hopefully, the bone marrow biopsy will give the information Doctors need to determine treatment. He has been at Methodist Hospital 10 days and will be here several more days. Thanks so much.
May 11, 2022 by Shari Walkup
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerLifting up prayers for a Spirit filled & specifically gifted Student Pastor and Worship Pastor for NewLife Church. May God be clear in His direction. May we trust in His timing and lean in with discernment for the right people for these positions.
May 10, 2022 by Anonymous Prayer
Prayer Requests – General
KathyPetersenDave’s oral cancer is back.
May 12th he will have a needle biopsy on a lymph node and surgery on May 31st.
Radiation treatments will follow.
May 9, 2022 by Kathy Petersen
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossI would appreciate prayer as my mom Colleen cares for her husband who has many new treatments for his health. Pray that his medical care will be effective and he would experience healing. Thank you Jesus!
May 4, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Shari WalkupMerrill Walkup was admitted to ER at Methodist Hospital Monday night for a blood platelet issue. Please pray for him and the Doctors wisdom. He may be there most of the week as they determine treatment.
May 3, 2022 by Shari Walkup
Prayer Requests – General
Diane HaganAsking for prayer for the Hagan family as Gary’s brother, Dennis, is in his last days fighting cancer.
May 1, 2022 by Diane Hagan
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerPray that Colleen VandeLune finds relief from her pain and has healing.
May 1, 2022 by Anonymous Prayer
Prayer Requests – General
Michael KautPlease pray for Diane Kaut. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She starts chemo on Friday 4/29. Please pray that the drugs work well and do not cause any reactions/side effects.

From the Kauts and Blocks
Apr 28, 2022 by Michael Kaut

Prayer Requests – General