In the midst of all the emotions, last minute vacations, and shopping for school supplies, let’s not forget how important it is to cover our students and school staff in prayer each day. Let’s embrace them with the life-changing grace & truth of Jesus.

Here are six specific things you can ask God for as this new school year begins:


“Father, thank you for your love for my/our kids! Please keep them from harm and watch over their lives! Protect them emotionally, spiritually, and physically each day with the power of your Holy Spirit.”

“The Lord will keep you from every kind of harm.  He will watch over your life.” — Psalm 121:7 


“God, give my/our kids the ability to discern what is right and wrong. Help them to make wise decisions with their actions and how they love You and others.”

“Jesus became wiser and stronger. He also became more and more pleasing to God and to people.” — Luke 2:52


“Lord, give my/our kids the courage to follow You! Give them confidence in their identity as Your kid and increase their ability to stand firm against any temptation to fear or doubt Your love.”

“Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be brave. Be strong.” — 1 Corinthians 16:13


“Father, give my/our kids friends who are good friends and who are friends with God. Help my/our kid be a good friend in return. Help my kids and their friends encourage each other to remain faithful to God.”

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” — Proverbs 27:17


“God, let my/our kids see You through what they learn. All art, literature, science, and math point to You, our Creator! Let students see Your work in everything they learn.”

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” — Psalm 19:1


“Lord, let my/our kids do everything for Your glory. Give them confidence in their faith to represent You in how they love their neighbors as they love themselves. Remind them that knowing You is their greatest treasure!”

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us.” — 2 Corinthians 5:20

NewLife Student Ministry and Kids Min seek to partner with parents to meet kids & students where they are, love them like Jesus and lead them into lifelong faith & purpose. Learn more about what’s happening in Students & KidMin by subscribing to NewLife Student Updates or the Kids Min Monthly!


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