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Lisa OlsonOur country! Prayer for non believers.
Jul 28, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
MichelleDooleyPrayers for friends struggling to find jobs and support their family, that they find something very soon
Jul 28, 2024
Prayer Requests – General
Ramona RainsGracie Ziklman terminal cancer 34 years old
Jul 28, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Cindy MarkleDaughter for affordable and handicapped accessible housing
Jul 28, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
JamesStandifordFor success in Cooper’s jujittzu
Jul 28, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
ChristinaHazelbakerMy mothers new friend Christina at the senior living she just moved into has been diagnosed again with a brain tumor and she is very sick and worried that this new tumor will not be reduced, as it was the last time. Also, please pray for my mom to have comfort and peace in her heart in the coming days as Aug 2 will mark a year that her spouse passed away.
Jul 24, 2024 by Christina Hazelbaker
Prayer Requests – General
Penny HylerMy sister Michele Altenhofen will be having a corona transplant & cataract surgery on her right eye tomorrow at 11:55. Please pray for healing & transplant is successful
Jul 24, 2024 by Penny Hyler
Prayer Requests – General
EricaMichelsenPray for our adoption process. It is now waiting for God to give us a placement. For He is faithful!
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Linda CookFor Jennie Moore – my son’s girlfriend is having a very risky surgery on the 23rd. Prayer that the Dr has steady hands.
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sharon CecilPray! In court July 30-Aug 1 for custody of grandson (Chris Garmon)
Jul 21, 2024
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerPrayers for our close friend Laura and her granddaughter Madi to be healed from cancer.
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sheryl EatonContinued prayers for Pam
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
SandyLubberdenMy family
Jul 21, 2024
Prayer Requests – General
Penny HylerMichele’s eye surgery
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
HeatherWagnerPrayers over the 503 letters mailed today where my organization is the fingerprint of Jesus to the deeply broken, unwanted & scolded regularly, who need forgiveness, understanding and grace. Amen.
Jul 21, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Mindy HansonUpdate for Mindy’s biopsy: the doctor needs to go back in and get more samples. Prayers for answers after this round of procedures.
Jul 18, 2024 by Mindy Hanson
Prayer Requests – General
Emi BeckWe humbly request your prayers for breaking the worldly LGBTQ stronghold on our children; S.F., mentally & hormonally transitioning from male to female. M.H. & E.B., both practicing homosexuality. All were raised in Bible teaching, church going, Christian homes. By God’s grace the seeds of Truth were planted, we beseech Him for those seeds to take root. In you, our siblings in Christ, reside the promises of God: 1 Peter 3:12 “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer,”
Christians know there aren’t coincidences. Millions are caught in the LGBTQ lie & don’t have anyone fighting a spiritual battle on their behalf. God assigned these 3 lost souls to praying parents, blessed by wisdom to seek God honoring Acts 2:42 churches like yours: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” For our encouragement & yours: Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. God bless your church!
Jul 17, 2024 by Emi Beck
Prayer Requests – General
MaKaylaZimmermanNew job opportunities so we can get our finances back in check.
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sheryl Eatoncontinued prayer for healing for Pam; peace for our country
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Cindy MarkleAffordable and handicapped accessible housing for daughter.
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Melissa WilsonFriend Linda recovering from injuries in an auto accident
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerFor peace of mind for kay; for Dawn – for His will to be that Dawn get hired at Mitchellville prison in HR dept; For unity and peace in our nation; for Laura and her granddaughter to be cancer free
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Mindy HansonBiopsy results for Mindy
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
BarbaraSimpkinsOur country!
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Carol LeonardOur country
Jul 14, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Gloria SearsPlease pray for our VBS July 21-25

That children will be excited about God’s Word
That our volunteers will be filled with the Holy Spirit
That we connect with families in our community in a powerful way
Jul 10, 2024 

Prayer Requests – General
CourtneyReevesSell Courtney’s house at her open on July 12 from 6-8pm for 410k with no contingencies or warranties.
Jul 10, 2024 by Courtney Reeves
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerPrayer for Laura and her granddaughter both to be healed from cancer. Prayers for marriage and families. Prayers for clarity and peace of mind. For unity.
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
MikeChamberlainPray for Judy’s upcoming surgery to go smoothly. Pray for granddaughter Alexis. Pray for son David.
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerFriends are having marriage issues and considering divorce. Please pray they’re restored and don’t get divorced. Comfort their kids. Also, my daughter is having emotional & self esteem issues. Pray she can be healed of this.
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerFriends are having marriage issues and considering divorce. Please pray God can fix their issues and heal their marriage & give peace to their kids.
Jul 7, 2024
Prayer Requests – General
BarbaraSimpkinsJudy Downey (Jim Simpkin’s sister) following life changing stroke
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Deb DonaldI’m having surgery on July 11. Pray it will go well & take away my pain.
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sheryl EatonContinued prayer for friend Pam fighting cancer and heart concerns
Jul 7, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Patti KainOur son Dusty had an accident in Wisconsin this weekend. Basically, he fell into a cement hole about 4 or 5 feet deep causing several injuries. He’s in the hospital in Iowa City after being transported by ambulance from Prairie Du Chen. He had surgery last night to repair his spleen and stop the bleeding. He also has 6 broken ribs.
Jul 1, 2024 by Patti Kain
Prayer Requests – General