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Jenna SeleyPrayers for answers as we head to appointments at Mayo this week and Iowa City next week.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
TroyHazelbakerFor answers this week and blessings for all answers – already discouraged.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sheryl EatonHealing prayers for a friend fighting cancer. Healing prayer for family.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
MichelleDooleyPrayers for family friends going through hardship and that they find jobs and a home.
Jun 2, 2024
Prayer Requests – General
Donna HillsPlease pray for my recovery from open heart surgery.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy Yeagergrandkids Jamie & Izzy salvation.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Kristin FotiaFor God’s will and guidance in my {new} relationship. Wisdom and peace for us.
Jun 2, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Michael CoxPlease pray my wife, Jeannie Cox Her treatment for cancer has stopped working, causing other complication, Jeannie has been hospitalized for about two weeks. We really don’t have any answers yet.
Please pray for us!
May 30, 2024 by Michael Cox
Prayer Requests – General
Lois MooreDanny, Arlys
May 28, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerPray for our first home study for our adoption this Wednesday. God keeps guiding us through this process.
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
DougCretsingerFor family members to come to know the Lord
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sheryl EatonComfort & healing for a friend fighting cancer. Continued prayers for family healing.
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossPlease pray for healing for my sister in law who is recovering from a brain bleed (Rebecca in Memphis). My brother Brad.
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Sue KettererMy sister Judy – healing
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
MikeChamberlainPray for granddaughter Alexis; Pray for son to find David a place to live and a job.
May 26, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
MichelleDooleyPray for Dan’s sister, Charlotte, complete healing. Also Dan’s mom, Pat, complete healing.
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
GretchenFilippelliA safe and healthy delivery and birth of baby girl in the up coming days/weeks.
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Cindy HallCindy’s mom, Mary Lou, recovery.
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Dave BlockContinued prayers for Dad
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Shari GablePrayers for family & unity and prayers for Shari & Merrill Walkup. Prayers for grandchildren to life them up to God.
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Beth MillerMarriage
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
JudyChamberlainPray for granddaughter Alexis. Pray for son, David, for a job and a new place to live.
May 19, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
DeborahKruegerHello, I could use prayer in every area of my life. My life feels like a hot mess right now. I feel like I’m under spiritual attack in every area of my life. My relationship with my daughter, to my finances to my employment. I just don’t know where God wants to me or what I’m supposed to be doing. I feel frustrated and lost. I’m currently not working, I’m looking just nothing has came up. My bills are behind. I just need prayer. Thank you in advance for taking time out to pray for me. I truly appreciate your prayers. God bless
May 15, 2024 by Deborah Krueger
Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossPraise the Lord for the outcome of test results for my husband Dave. Healing continues and he is healthy and strong. We are grateful for your prayers, for the way people do research to develop tests and treatments and how God has made our bodies to heal and recover and how He intervened in so many ways. Celebrating all of His gifts. What a joy to trust Him in trials and victories.
May 15, 2024 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Lois MooreDanny, Gary and Janice
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Shari GablePrayers for my husbands back to heal and help him heal with the loss of his dad – is still hard for him. Prayers for Shari & Merrill Walkup. Prayers for Donna Hill to continue to heal.
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Coni DarrMaggie Darr (Bernies mom) fell this past week and broke 6 ribs and right leg femur. Having blood pressure issues. Prayer for comfort and healing.
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerGrandkids Jamie & Izzy for salvation
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
JudyChamberlainPray for granddaughter Alexis. Pray for son, David, for a job and a new place to live.
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
Lori KylePrayers for my mom, Bonnie. We moved her to Bethany Life in Story City and her dementia has been exacerbated by the change.
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerAs we get closer and closer in our adoption process we pray that God continues to lead us and guide us
May 12, 2024 
Prayer Requests – General