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Dave RossPraise and prayer request from Nathan and Ellie Gentry: The doctors continue to share that the (liver transplant) surgery went perfectly. Just need to continue to monitor Elly as her body adjusts to the new liver and pray against infection & complication. Thank you so much!
Sep 9, 2023 by Dave Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Lucretia SmithThe Harkness family serving in the Middle East learned today that their Visas were done wrong. Ben’s visa was given but the rest of the family’s were not approved. Unless something miraculous happens by next week Melissa will be forced to leave the country, again, alone with her 3 kids. They are unable to afford to fly home or travel like they did last time. Please pray their lawyers are able to rush the process and get the visas in time.
Sep 7, 2023 by Lucretia Smith
Prayer Requests – General
Eric BarkerPrayer for recovery from alcoholism.
Sep 2, 2023 by Eric Barker
Prayer Requests – General
Barb SiemensMy brother’s daughter, Johanna, lost her 3 1/2 year battle with cancer. Please pray for her husband, Daryl, their three children, and my brother Jim, and his wife, Rachel. Their loss and their grief is heavy.
Thank you church family.
Barb Siemens
Aug 30, 2023 by Barb Siemens
Prayer Requests – General
MikeChamberlainIt was so good to be able to come to Curch thiis morning. Thank you for the prayers. My hemoglobin numbers are going up. I was 9.6 on Friday. Tuesday I will have labs, see the Dr. and get a retuxin infusion. Pray for that number to keep going up. God is good!
Aug 27, 2023 by Mike Chamberlain
Prayer Requests – General
SandyLubberdenPlease pray for Phyllis Childers, Karen Diltz and myself as we leave Thursday for our mission trip to South Africa. Please pray for safety on the long flight, for our health, for a compassion to serve the people we will meet and serve them and to love them and to do God’s will. Thank you New Life Church.

Aug 26, 2023 by Sandy Lubberden

Prayer Requests – General
JeanneMenefeeTo reconnect with God.
Aug 26, 2023 by Jeanne Menefee
Prayer Requests – General
Sue StechPray for Bill Stech’s recovery after having total hip surgery Aug.19, 2023. Things went well! Went home Tuesday.Aug. 20! Thank You.
Aug 25, 2023 by Sue Stech
Prayer Requests – General
LisaMiltenbergerPlease keep Cindy Hall in your prayers. She has had a relapse of her gastrointestinal problems and, with stage 4 renal failure, it has been affecting her numbers. Please pray for healing and strength for Cindy, wisdom for the doctors and peace for Cindy and the family.

Lisa Miltenberger
Aug 21, 2023 by Sharon Wilson

Prayer Requests – General
LisaMiltenberger“Please pray for Mike and Judy Chamberlain and their family. Mike is battling cancer and his hemoglobin has been dangerously low for 3+ weeks. On Friday he needed 3 more units of blood. Pray that he can return home, that his body begins to produce enough hemoglobin to return to normal functioning, that God would be glorified through this challenge and that they would feel the embrace of Jesus minute by minute. Thank you!”

Let’s continue to lift Mike up in prayer, love and support.

Lisa Miltenberger
Aug 21, 2023 by Sharon Wilson

Prayer Requests – General
ColleenVandeluneSam DeReus from Prairie City was in a serious car accident Friday evening. He is in Iowa City Hospital. Please Pray for healing.
Aug 19, 2023 by Colleen Vandelune
Prayer Requests – General
Dave RossPlease pray for Mike and Judy Chamberlain and their family. Mike is battling cancer and his hemoglobin has been dangerously low for 3+ weeks. Today, Friday, he needed 3 more units of blood. Pray that he can return home, that his body begins to produce enough hemoglobin to return to normal functioning, that God would be glorified through this challenge, and that they would feel the embrace of Jesus minute by minute. Thank you!

Aug 18, 2023 by Dave Ross

Prayer Requests – General
Lisa OlsonDave’s father passed away today after a 3-year battle with cancer. Please keep the family and us in prayer during this very hard time.

Dave and Lisa Olson
Aug 17, 2023 by Sharon Wilson

Prayer Requests – General
Joshua GroveMy Dad had bypass surgery and is dealing with complications. Possibly a stroke. He hasn’t woken up since the surgery 2 days ago.
Please pray that he will recover, and that for any tough decisions, God will give me the right answers.
Aug 16, 2023 by Joshua Grove
Prayer Requests – General