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Dan DooleyMy mom (who winters in Florida, and is due to be back in Iowa in the next two weeks) has been in the hospital with pnuemonia. Today she had a biopsy on her lungs and it has come back as cancer. They are wanting to start chemotherapy right away.

She is talking about staying in Florida and do the chemotherapy, rather than coming home and being with her support system. She has 3 children and many grandkids that can help with her care.

I’m asking for prayer about: a) the cancer and subsequent treatment, b) wisdom and words to convince her that she needs to be surrounded by the people that love and care for her while going through this.
Mar 21, 2023 by Dan Dooley

Prayer Requests – General
Mary JeanOsbornePraying for Lloyd Pryor, healing, knowledge and wisdom for all the doctors checking him and success procedure for his foot surgery tomorrow Monday, March 20th.

Praying for my friend Marithes and to her husband Dave Kelly, for good health and protection.

Mar 19, 2023 by Mary Jean Osborne

Prayer Requests – General
Lori SeleyMy cousin’s husband had a kidney removed 2 years ago due to cancer. He found out at a checkup that something is growing where the kidney was. The doctor doesn’t know what it is. He is having a scan at the end of the month. His name is Clint and he’s 42. Please pray he receives good news and that the growth is benign. Thank you.
Mar 15, 2023 by Lori Seley
Prayer Requests – General
DawnGabrielsonRod my husband has foot surgery tomorrow at noon. I have confidence we will get thru this but his diabetes is an issue (over 50yrs) healing, he has to go part time when and if he goes back to work. He’s in the process of learning braille and to walk with a white cane.
I want to be in church for my new friend Susan who came last week for her 1st time. Don’t know how to ask for prayer but know you will
Feb 23, 2023 by Dawn Gabrielson
Prayer Requests – General