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Jan MillerA family friend, Fara, has been diagnosed with 2 types of cancer, both in advanced stage. Fara does not know the Lord. Asking for a Divine Intercession for Fara, both spiritually and physically. Thank you.
Feb 16, 2023 by Jan Miller
Prayer Requests – General
Lynn InglePraise for my new granddaughter Fiorella “Fio” born breach six weeks early and doing pretty good, but still in NICU and so please pray for more growth and healing so she can go home with her mommy and daddy.
Feb 14, 2023 by Lynn Ingle
Prayer Requests – General
Lynn BlockPlease pray for our Aunt Norma. She is having open heart surgery on Wednesday morning this week and it will be a double bypass. Please pray for the surgery and her recovery.

Thank you,
Lynn Block and Diane Kaut and families

Feb 14, 2023 

Prayer Requests – General
Diane KautPlease pray for our Aunt Norma. She is having open heart surgery on Wednesday morning this week and it will be a double bypass. Please pray for the surgery and her recovery.

Thank you,
Lynn Block and Diane Kaut and families

Feb 14, 2023 

Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisThe Cronk family needs prayer. They used to attend NL & Mark, the dad, is in hospice with a blood infection after several strokes the past year. I actually saw & spoke to him at church before Xmas. His son Josh is Lydia’s friend, & his ex, Corina, is still close with Mark. There are 2 other kids as well. Lots of stress & emotion as they wait.
Feb 13, 2023 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardI am having carpal tunnel surgery Tuesday. It’s not a big deal but with AFIB, they get a little more concerned. Appreciate if you would remember me in prayer.
Feb 11, 2023 by Terry Howard
Prayer Requests – General
AlisonHackbarthPlease pray for the family of Derrius Taylor, a friend of Daniel’s, who was killed in an automobile accident Sunday afternoon. He was going to graduate from Iowa State this May. Please also pray for this group of friends, who are completely devastated.
Feb 6, 2023 by Alison Hackbarth
Prayer Requests – General
Aprel LandenI`m sick

Feb 5, 2023 by Aprel Landen

Prayer Requests – General
Renee Van ReesMy co-worker, Bridgette, and her husband, Ethan, recently had a little boy who has been in the NICU at Iowa City since he was 5 hours old. He has been through a lot of tests and is currently still intubated as his lungs are struggling. The doctors have determined that he has X-linked protoporphyria: an extremely rare genetic disorder characterized by an abnormal sensitivity to the sun (photosensitivity) that can cause severe pain, burning, and itching of sun-exposed skin. Symptoms may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to the sun, including direct exposure or indirect exposure such as sunlight that passes through window glass or that is reflected off water or sand. Redness and swelling of affected areas can also occur.
I would like to pray for complete healing for this little guy…he is so loved and his parents are praying for this too. Thank you!

Feb 3, 2023 by Renee Van Rees

Prayer Requests – General
Mayra RamirezGood morning
I need prayer for my health..I have a complicate week with asthma and bronquitis..Thanks and blessings to you all.
Jan 29, 2023 by Mayra Ramirez
Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisPraises! My friend Melissa’s CT scan showed no new cancer, but a blocked bile duct instead. Thx for praying!
Jan 18, 2023 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General