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Patty DavisPraises! My friend Melissa’s CT scan showed no new cancer, but a blocked bile duct instead. Thx for praying!
Jan 18, 2023 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Sarah HouserMother in law (Jan) having surgery to repair broken kneecap on January 18.

Sarah having hysterectomy on January 19.
Pray for Scott Houser as he will be helping to take care of both of us.
Jan 13, 2023 by Sarah Houser

Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisLift up my friend Melissa in her 2-yr battle with colon cancer. She had a CT scan Wed due to unexplained pain & has to wait a week for results. She has a husband & teenage girl. She is not affiliated with a church but appreciates prayer.
Jan 12, 2023 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Kayla KingPlease pray for Kayla and others in her building as there was a fire last night the produced quite a bit of damage. Thank you!
Jan 11, 2023 by Erin Dobraska
Prayer Requests – General
JulieWiedersteinUpdate on our school nurse’s son:
Liam’s surgery is over and the shunt is successfully placed!! Wahoo!!!!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers! They are working!!!
Jan 9, 2023 by Julie Wiederstein
Prayer Requests – General
JulieWiedersteinPlease continue to pray for our school nurse’s nephew.
Prayer Warriors: Today is a BIG day for Liam and thousands of prayers are encouraged and helpful. His shunt placement surgery is scheduled for this mornjng to help with regulating his cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This surgery is a BIG deal in many ways and he needs BIG prayers! Regulating his CSF is helpful for reducing swelling/inflammation and in turn, help him fight his infection, keep him as safe as possible, and move forward towards his next goal.
Please pray hard this morning for Liam, his pediatric neurosurgeon, his full medical team and his family. Thank you.
Jan 9, 2023 by Julie Wiederstein
Prayer Requests – General
Debra HolmesPray for my brother, Keavin, for an unresolved health issue that requires surgery.
Jan 3, 2023 by Debra Holmes
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerMadi who is 4 years old, she has terminal brain cancer. She had to be taken off all meds because side effects were too much for her. Last night she was admitted to Iowa City. She will have MRI today to see if shunt is blocked and if the tumor has grown. Asking for God’s will to be done, for strength both for Madi and family, for comfort and for healing and that Madi not suffer.
Lord let your will be done. Watch over this family. Bring them in closer to you, believing in you, trusting you. Embrace them Lord Amen
Dec 30, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
NewLifeChurchPlease keep Darlene Jones in your prayers as she heals from a bad fall and a broken pelvis. She is home recovering now.
Dec 28, 2022 by Erin Dobraska
Prayer Requests – General