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NewLife ChurchPlease keep Darlene Jones in your prayers as she heals from a bad fall and a broken pelvis. She is home recovering now.
Dec 28, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Mary Jean OsbornePrayer for safety and protection for the parents of my friend Marithes.
Dec 22, 2022 by Mary Jean Osborne
Prayer Requests – General
Julie WiedersteinHere’s a prayer request from our school nurse, Becky.

My nephew is literally fighting for his life and truly needs a miracle. Today is a big day for him so as many prayers as possible are needed and appreciated. His name is Liam Lause and he is a 5th grade student at Greenwood Elementary School. His older brothers attend Roosevelt.

He started not feeling well last week with similar symptoms as many of our other students who are out of school with symptoms of illness. He was taken to Blank on 12/13/22 and a very aggressive brain tumor (Diffuse Midline Glioma) was found. He was able to walk when admitted to Blank on the 13th and has already lost that ability to do so, can no longer verbally communicate and many other things this tumor has taken from him. He was life flighted to U of I on 12/14/22 from Blank and brain surgery may be possible. They will know more after today’s MRI.

Here’s the Caring Bridge Site that I made for Liam for updates on his fight as well as ways to help:

He is now intubated due to increased cranial pressure and also to prepare for his very long MRI. Please pray for a miracle.

Julie Wiederstein
Dec 16, 2022 by Julie Wiederstein

Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossThank you for your prayers over the past several months for my step dad Bill. He and my mother were able to spend nearly one month at a family cabin in NC. There they celebrated his 88th birthday. Mom said they had weeks of almost “normal” life. They returned to their home in Orlando last week and Bill is needing more care as his plasma cancer effects his health. Hospice is more involved in his care now. Please pray for my mom as she faces the days/weeks ahead. She has been widowed before and she trusts the Lord to be close by. Of course we don’t want Bill to suffer and ask for wisdom for all his care decisions. I want to testify to the power of prayers. Bill really rallied for a very good couple of months. Thank you for praying and caring for New Life Church in this way.
Dec 10, 2022 by Michelle Ross
Prayer Requests – General
Sharon CecilMy dear friend that I grew up with, Patty Snyder, is having open heart surgery Friday morning. 12-9-22. Please pray with me that God guides the surgeon’s as they repair her heart. Trusting God for speedy recovery.
Dec 8, 2022 by Sharon Cecil
Prayer Requests – General
Anonymous PrayerMy relationship with my son has been very hard this past year. He doesn’t want anything to do with me and this time of the year is especially hard. I’ve prayed for his forgiveness but it hasn’t seem to help. I miss him and my grandchildren tremendously.
Dec 5, 2022 by Anonymous Prayer
Prayer Requests – General
Erin DobraskaI am asking for prayer for a family member who is struggling with finding consistent work that provides enough to support them. This has been a need since COVID and is causing severe anxiety and depression for them. Praying for a breakthrough & a clear open-door for them. Thank you!
Nov 30, 2022 by Erin Dobraska
Prayer Requests – General