Mary JeanOsbornePraying for the family of grandma Helen for comfort, strength and protection, she passed away October 30th, due to cancer.
Nov 1, 2022 by Mary Jean Osborne
Prayer Requests – General
Erin GroveMy husband, Joshua, has had some health concerns lately, including a blood clot in his spleen and enlarged lymph nodes. They did a biopsy on a lymph node last Wednesday and he is currently on his way to find out the results. Prayers for good results and a break from health concerns, along with prayers for peace of mind and healing of body would really be appreciated.
Nov 1, 2022 by Erin Grove
Prayer Requests – General
Jean TroxelMy friends step-daughter has 3rd stage reticle cancer and she is 48 years old. Her name is Selina Diggins.
Oct 31, 2022 by Jean Troxel
Prayer Requests – General
Chris AndrewsA very dear friend’s grandson, Sam Whitlatch, was severely injured in a dirt bike accident on Sunday. Doctors are not sure he’ll ever walk again. Please pray for my dear friend and her wonderful family.
Oct 25, 2022 by Chris Andrews
Prayer Requests – General
Kathy SPlease pray God opens a door for full time work with good wage, I am struggling to get work, sent out many resumes. I’m out of money and need Gas for
(I just want to work)
Thanks Brothers/Sisters.

Oct 22, 2022 by Kathy S

Prayer Requests – General
Michelle RossPraise and thank you for praying for my step dad Bill. He continues in hospice but has come through some anxiety and depression that was making things difficult. He stopped treatment of multiple myeloma in June. My mom has good support but is the main caregiver and the cancer is slow acting.

Update for my niece Constance. She is now expecting their 2nd baby and ultra sounds detect none of the heart and lung conditions that big sister Lucy battled till the day she was born and then passed away. This is a praise for her and her husband Maxim. Thank you for praying during this month where infant loss awareness is raised. We have many experiencing this in NLC. So glad the LORD is close to the broken hearted.
Oct 17, 2022 by Michelle Ross

Prayer Requests – General
Kayla KingHealth issues
Oct 16, 2022 by Kayla King
Prayer Requests – General
Penny HylerMy sister Michele Altenhofen who also attends New Life.. she is in the hospital with pneumonia, Sepsis, kidney & bladder infection. BP was extremely low on Friday
80/46. Starting to go into kidney failure. Had a stent put in her kidney. Pretty scary we almost lost her
Oct 15, 2022 by Penny Hyler
Prayer Requests – General
Carolyn BrockI want to say thank you to everyone that has prayed for Me. Both my knees are doing great and my back is getting better day by day. Thank you all God is so good!
Oct 15, 2022 by Carolyn Brock
Prayer Requests – General
Juli St ClairPraise God and all of you! Cassie’s tests & scan were negative! Mayo was consulted so the dots are all connected. We’re so relieved!
Oct 6, 2022 by Juli St Clair
Prayer Requests – General
Carolyn BrockThank you for the many prayers for Both of my Total knee replacements. I have a pinched nerve that I need prayers for. I am going to receive a Cortizone shot today 10/6, so praying that the shot gives me some relief.
Oct 6, 2022 by Carolyn Brock
Prayer Requests – General
April KrissmanSalvation for my husband Eric. May God soften his heart to Have a deep love and personal relationship with Jesus. May he be delivered by any bitterness and darkness. That he will give his life to Christ and be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Oct 5, 2022 by April Krissman

Prayer Requests – General
Juli St ClairMy 25 yr old gdaughter, Cassie Schultz, is having a flare-up of her very rare ms (so rare she is the only one to have it.). Her sister is taking her to IA City tomorrow. We’re hoping it doesn’t prove to be a resurgence but if it is that IA City doesn’t mess around this time and sends her right back up to Mayo. Please ask Him that she doesn’t suffer complete paralysis, blindness & dysphagia as she did in 2019. Thank you so much!!!
Oct 5, 2022 by Juli St Clair
Prayer Requests – General
Barb SiemensPlease pray for me for direction, guidance, and open doors as I look for a job.
Barb Siemens
Oct 4, 2022 by Barb Siemens
Prayer Requests – General