Peggy YeagerContinue praying for Vicki Fogle. She is now having double vision & tremors in her fingers. Pray for the doctors as they try to figure out why this is hapoening
Sep 17, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerUpdates: Vicki Fogle came through surgery fine. They did 3 bypasses. She is recovering. Floyd Poole is still struggling with blood clots in his left leg. It is still swollen, red, is painful. They are still trying to figure out what is causing it. His glucose level is down, though. He will remain in the hospital for a few more days. Afterwards he will go to a rehab home as he needs to stay off his leg for awhile.
Sep 16, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Kay MillerAsking for prayer and blanket for Carolyn Brock. She recently had knee replacement surgery and is recovering at home. But on 21st she will have the other knee done. Her address is 9909 Winston Ave Urbandale, Iowa 50322
Sep 14, 2022 by Kay Miller
Prayer Requests – General
Diane KautDiane is having surgery on Monday, September 19th. Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery without complications. Pray for quick healing. Thank you!
Sep 14, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerUpdate on Vicki Fogle: she will have open heart surgery on Friday. New request: for our good friend Floyd Poole – he is in Lutheran Hospital. He is having trouble with blot clots in his left leg along with redness & soreness. He also has a very high glucose level. They do not know what is causing this but are trying to treat both conditions. He needs extra prayers!
Sep 13, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerContinue to pray for Vicki Fogle. Angiogram today shows major blockage. The surgical team will be there tonight to decide a date for open heart surgery.
Sep 12, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerPlease pray for Vicki Fogle. She is at Mercy West Lakes. She had a mild heart attack. They will be doing more tests.
Sep 12, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
AlisonHackbarthPlease be in prayer for the Hackbarth Family. Hal’s dad, Larry, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Many of you also know Hal’s sisters, Holly Trulson and Heather Hackbarth. Thanks so much for thinking of us and your prayers!
Sep 7, 2022 by Alison Hackbarth
Prayer Requests – General
DawnGabrielsonRod is looking for a job. He was fired unfairly. They said they couldn’t prove or disprove what they were accusing him of and since he’s still in his probation time, they were going to let him go.
Sep 7, 2022 by Dawn Gabrielson
Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisMy friend Melissa has been fighting advanced colon cancer for about 2 years. Through my tornado relocation I’m now her neighbor! She too is a theater mom with a teenage girl. Praise that her recent PET scan showed smaller & fewer tumors Let’s lift her up as she continues the fight.
Aug 25, 2022 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Pat RoppHi Prayer Warriors. So appreciate prayers for Jeff’s sister Pam as she recovers from hip replacement surgery, … Also Jeff’s Dad has colon resection surgery this Fri …for cancer. Thx so much. So appreciate you all.

Pat Ropp
Aug 24, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Dan DooleyPlease pray for healing & relief from pain for Dan Dooley. He is suffering from another kidney stone episode which also lead to infection. He was hospitalized recently but is going home today (8/23) after they put in an emergency stent. They are continuing to monitor his issue. He asks for prayer.
Aug 23, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
MikeChamberlainPlease pray for the family of Sierra Quick, She passed away on 8-18-22. Sierra was 26 years old and had cerebral Palsy. She passed in her sleep having a major seizure. Some of you may remember her coming to Church with Reed and us. Pray that the family would seek after God in this time of morning.
Aug 22, 2022 by Mike Chamberlain
Prayer Requests – General