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NewLife KidsPlease be praying for the following kids as they attend Pine Lake Camps this coming week of June 19 and week of June 26. Pray that they would grow in Jesus, for safety, to build life long friendships and for tons of fun.

Brynn, Sadie, Grace, Makensey, Madeline, Matthew, Caleb, Ellie, Hudson, Addison, Stevie, Gabriella, Ella
Jun 15, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Diane KautTyler had a check-up with his neurosurgeon this week and his MRI showed that the tubing for his shunt is not attached.

He is scheduled to have surgery this coming Friday to correct this so extra CSF fluid will get back to draining at the correct rate.

This will be done in Iowa City and we would appreciate prayer that Tyler will stay healthy this week and that the surgery and his recovery go really well.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, love and support. We appreciate it so much!

Diane Kaut
Jun 12, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardI know I have requested lots of prayers. But my niece Brenda Johnson is having heart surgery on Friday and it is very risky because her heart is so bad. Please keep her in your prayers. She is only 55.
Jun 9, 2022 by Terry Howard
Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisPRAISE request – I brought home Bo today & despite a big incision, he’s jumping on the washing machine! Thank you Lord & all my prayer warriors!
Jun 1, 2022 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Patty DavisMy kitty Bo is at emergency clinic awaiting surgery for twisted up intestines & infection – he ate a foreign object. Odds aren’t good. Bo is the cat who hid 2 days after tornado. God please guide surgeon, give Bo strength, stop the infection & heal this special little guy.
May 30, 2022 by Patty Davis
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerGary’s surgery went well, however his blood pressure is running a little low. They want it to be normal on it’s own so they are keeping him another day. We’ll see how it does tonight.
May 27, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
EricaMichelsenPlease keep Megan (Slifka) Michelsen and her family in your prayers. Her dad, Steve Slifka, passed away earlier this week. May the Lord wrap His arms around them and bring them peace and comfort.
May 25, 2022 by Erica Michelsen
Prayer Requests – General
AnonymousPrayerPlease continue lifting up Merrill & Shari Walkup in your prayers as he is still recovering in the hospital. Thank you!

Also please continue prayers for the Gentry’s as they continue to grieve the loss of their little one and seek peace during this hard time.
May 25, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardPlease be praying for Terry Howard as she has been admitted to Lutheran Hospital with congestive heart failure.
May 24, 2022 
Prayer Requests – General
Peggy YeagerGary will be having surgery on his left carotid artery on Thurs, May 26. Prayers are much appreciated. Thank you!
May 23, 2022 by Peggy Yeager
Prayer Requests – General
Jeff Ropp“A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench.”
Matthew 12:20
Dear Prayer Partners,Pat and I greatly appreciate your partnership in the gospel as you pray
for us and the people to whom we minister. Please pray for our gentle and
understanding Savior to deeply minister to the following people…

1. Juli in Mayanmar who is flying to Des Moines, IA May 28th to be reunited with her husband James.
2. Vilma in the Philippines whose believing husband died recently and now she
knows she will see in him again in heaven after she believed in Christ alone for
His gift of everlasting life. Pray for her and her children as they walk through
their grief with Jesus’ help.
3. Nicole in Guyana who recently witnessed her son’s murder as did her other
children. She is a believer, but her church does not seem to know how to help
her, nor does there seem to be any counseling avaible to her. She feels all alone
and I have encouraged her to invite Jesus to walk with her and her family through
this trauma.
4. Jeff’s mother, Shirley, who recently went into the ER with a severe headache
and loss of some mobility. Doctors have identified a lesion inside her skull on the
back of her head but are not certain if it is cancer or has spread. Please pray for
God’s healing, wisdom, and comfort during this difficult time for her and the family.

Thank you so much for lifting these precious people up to Jesus,

Pastor Jeff Ropp

May 23, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General
Terry HowardPlease pray for Brenda Howard Johnson. Her heart is only at 30 percent and beating 200 beats. She is having a 4 hour surgery next Thursday to implant a defribulator. Her lungs are not good either.

May 20, 2022 by Terry Howard

Prayer Requests – General
RichardDoughertyThank you so much Prayer Team for your prayers for Taylor and his family here in Florida. The surgery went well and the surgeon was able to remove the majority of the tumors. The pathology report is due within the next two weeks as well as next steps. All in all it seems positive and we appreciate continued prayers for this young family. God is good.

Your brother in Christ, Rich Dougherty
May 20, 2022 

Prayer Requests – General